Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz

Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz
My teacher -- Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Meditation Hikes in Places of Power

The power and stillness of nature, particularly in places of power on the earth, is a sacred gift that we, as meditators, can tap into.  When we meditate at a place of power (Marin Headlands in Sausalito is but one example), we are renewed!  Places of power are often millions of years old.  When we sit and meditate in such places, we can listen to the stillness.  Or the sound of the wind.  Or the waves breaking on the shore.

We approach places of power with respect.  When we hike in, we are silent, enjoying the beauty and energy of the place.  We bring our best selves on the hike  Before the hike, it's good to clean your room or home and take care of unfinished business.  Then, when you sit to meditate at a place of power, your mind can attune easily and naturally to the energy of the place, which will have its own, vibrant stillness. 

During the month of April, we are commemorating the Mahasamadhi of our American Buddhist teacher, Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz.  Kyoto and I will be going for happy hikes up the lovely Marin Headlands trail and stopping at (slightly) off the beaten path spots to meditate.  Hope that many other meditators will join us!